This grant is designed to update sections of the collections that are outdated or do not meet the school or district’s curricular standards and the I-SAIL standards of AISLE. Application period August 1 – September 30.

General Information
Open to school librarians who are current AISLE members. To join: AISLE Membership Application
Grants are awarded for a specific curricular area in a specific area (such as poetry, biography, graphic novel, etc) in a specific building.
Each grant is $1500 which will be sent to the school to be used for books and purchased e-books only. (Subscription services are not included in this grant.)
The same application for multiple buildings will not be accepted. Each application must be designed for a specific library and student body.
If you apply for a grant two years in a row, you must expand the curricular area from the previous year. (Be aware that the awards are spread to as many districts as possible.)
Grant Application Information
If your school pays your membership dues, follow through to make sure your school sends them on time, or your application will not be considered.
Read over the Grant Guidelines before starting your application.
Go to the application form. (Practice Application is below)
Look at the questions and the other information you will need to provide. Use the Rubric for details on answering the questions.
Use the Checklist to make sure you have provided everything required.
Consider your answers, complete the online form, and submit it by the September 30 deadline.
Grant recipients will be notified before the AISLE conference and be recognized at the conference.
If you are selected, LBSS will send your school a check for $1500 to be used for this grant project.
Purchase materials from the vendor(s) of your choice.
Save itemized invoices from vendors.
Submit your final report by May 1 including copies of the vendor invoices.
Failure to submit a final report, will result in your being ineligible for any LBSS grant for three years.

Practice Feed Your Need Application